The Pros and Cons of Vinyl Siding

When chosen right and installed by experienced and professional siding contractors, vinyl siding can make a home look great. There are some very useful features that vinyl siding offer as well.

Before making your decision on new vinyl siding installation, consider some of these pros and cons to this type of home exterior.

Drawbacks of Vinyl Siding
Constructed from a PVC plastic resin, vinyl siding offers a very strong and durable option for your home. It can’t rust, conduct electrical currents, or dent, which gives it an advantage over aluminum siding installation. Also, there is no chance of it warping, rotting, or chipping, which can’t be said for wood siding materials.

Vinyl siding does a very good job of holding up well against all the weather changes through each season. And it’s designed to last quite a long time. Not to mention that there is a wide range of color and texture options to choose just the right look you want for your home.

Drawbacks of Vinyl Siding
Although it is strong material, it can crack under pressure from a lawnmower or snow blower collision for example. In such a case, there is no patchwork that can be done for vinyl siding repair. Entire panels would need to be replaced.

Because vinyl siding is the most prevalent among siding homeowners, it can’t give you a unique look to your home. So it may not be the right product if you’re looking to stand out in your neighborhood.

When you’re ready for siding installation, think about some of these points and discuss them with your siding contractor. Together, you can come up with a solution for your home that will fit your tastes and provide the protection you need.